Trying to Stay Positive

Trying to keep on the positive side.  My youngest is home but getting ready to ship out again, this time with the church. She is looking forward to this event and I hope it makes a difference in her life for having gone.

I got my meds refilled so I did that correctly. Just trying to do what all I’m supposed to do. I need to swap the laundry around and get to work on it more this afternoon.

My friends up in Ohio finally caught a break–my friend’s wife had lost her job, and she’s already found a new one right off the bat.  So they can continue to have insurance to treat his colon cancer.  I’ve been praying for them for months that things would start to turn around, and it looks like they have.  God is so good.

I need to get back to writing this morning–Ive been goofing off with my youngest but now she is absorbed in her book so I can type for a while.  Hope everyone has a good rest of the week!


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